Mar 21Liked by Jack Elving

You are a sad, strange little man. And you have my pity.


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Well I am impressed you replied at any rate. I hope this provides you clarity and lessens the confusion you might have felt back then.

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Jack Elving

I'm going through something broadly similar at the moment with tvt and so much of what you say resonates with me. I don't want to go into details (yet) as it's still ongoing, but I do have a resigned sort of feeling that the end is near and this is saddening. If and when the axe falls, I hope I can come back and write about it with the same sort of candour, clarity and lack of self-pity that you show here - but this was a reassuring "you're not alone" delight to read!

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Jack Elving

also... Using a pseudonym I've never used before, as this relates to an ongoing issue and I'm not sure if anyone else involved in a current situation requiring tact, insight and diplomacy will find it, and use it to prejudice my case!

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I'm glad to hear that my article has resonated with you. And I fully appreciate how lonely and isolating this kind of drama is. Sure online life isn't "real life" but the emotions and interior experience is real enough. And it's a thing that people find it hard to talk about in real life leave alone online.

My advice is take your time. Take it one step of the way, and try and see what can give you catharsis about whatever problem you have. Also note that catharsis might not be forever. You might think you get over and relapse back and that's true for me. And that's okay. Eventually you'll get to a place where you'll make a start and it might make things better. I am literally happier having written this down than before. Maybe that won't last but it's worth it.

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Jack Elving

Beautiful, make me cry.

After what happened last month a lot of people kind of share the same feelings.

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Means a lot that this had an impact on others.

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